Cynthia Cárdenas Palacios – XIV SALSA Conference (2023)

Cynthia Cárdenas PalaciosCynthia Cárdenas Palacios

Universidade Federal do Amazonas UFAM

Fourteenth SALSA Biennial Conference – Amazon Triple Frontier Brazil-Colombia-Peru, 27-30 July 2023

Member of the Peru’s Local Organizing Committee

Cynthia Cárdenas Palacios is a doctoral student in Social Anthropology at the Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM) and a member of the Núcleo de Estudos da Amazônia Indígena NEAI-UFAM. Since 2006, she has worked mainly with federations and local communities of the Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana (AIDESEP), which has allowed her to be in contact and work with different indigenous peoples, especially with the Awajún and currently with the Matsigenka. Since the beginning of her career, her research interests have focused on indigenous health, education, indigenous thought, public policy, and gender issues from the perspective of indigenous peoples themselves. Currently, she is interested in being able to carry out collaboration with indigenous thinkers and promote the creation of spaces for the co-production of knowledge.

Cynthia Cárdenas Palacios’ page: