Posts tagged with ‘SALSA Conference 2002’

  • Annapolis

    SALSA I Sesquiannual Conference – Annapolis

    2002 SALSA I Sesquiannual Conference – Annapolis, MD The SALSA I Sesquiannual Conference was held in Annapolis, Maryland (USA)...

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Donald Pollock: Organizer of the 1st SALSA Conference

    Donald Pollock Organizer First Sesquiannual Conference: Annapolis MD, USA, 7-8 June 2002   See posts tagged Donald Pollock See...

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Keynote Lecture 2002: John Hemming

    Karl von den Steinen and Kurt Nimuendajú. John Hemming, Chairman, Amazon Charitable Trust, and former Director, Royal Geographic Society.
