Posts tagged with ‘Donald Pollock’

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    SHAMANS AND SIBLINGS, by D. Pollock (2023)

    Shamans and Siblings Sorcery, Curing and Personhood Among the Kulina of Western Brazil By Donald Pollock Bayside Press, New...

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    The Sibling Relationship in Lowland South America

    Working Papers on South American Indians, Number 7, March 1985 (File format: PDF. File size: 677 KB)
    Organizer and Convener: Judith…

  • Annapolis

    SALSA I Sesquiannual Conference – Annapolis

    2002 SALSA I Sesquiannual Conference – Annapolis, MD The SALSA I Sesquiannual Conference was held in Annapolis, Maryland (USA)...

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Donald Pollock: Organizer of the 1st SALSA Conference

    Donald Pollock Organizer First Sesquiannual Conference: Annapolis MD, USA, 7-8 June 2002   See posts tagged Donald Pollock See...

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Donald Pollock: SALSA President 2001-2002

    Donald Pollock University of Buffalo SALSA President 2001-2002 Research Topics The culture of contemporary medicine (including the social history...
