SALSA Meetings Keynote Speakers

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Keynote Lecture 2023: Tania Stolze Lima

    Other Anthropologies and their cosmopolitical challenges. Keynote dialogue between Tania Stolze Lima and João Paulo Barreto.

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Keynote Lecture 2023: João Paulo Barreto

    Other Anthropologies and their cosmopolitical challenges. Keynote dialogue between Tania Stolze Lima and João Paulo Barreto.

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Keynote Lecture 2021: Janet M. Chernela

    Desire and the Work it Does. Janet M. Chernela, Professor, University of Maryland.

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Keynote Lecture 2019: Anne-Christine Taylor

    Mismatches: Museums, Anthropology and Amazonia. Anne-Christine Taylor, professor emeritus, CNRS.

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Keynote Lecture 2017: Richard Chase-Smith

    The Remarkable Power of Community, Collective Memory and Deep Historical Identity: Lessons Learned during a Half Century among Indigenous…

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Keynote Lecture 2016: William Balée

    On Amazonian diversity, or old wine in new bottles. William Balée, Professor, Anthropology, Tulane University.

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Keynote Lecture 2014: Alf Hornborg

    Persons, Things, and Perceptions in Indigenous Amazonia: Comparative Reflections on Animism, Fetishism, and Perspectivism. Alf Hornborg, Professor, Human Ecology…

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Keynote Lecture 2013: Anthony Seeger

    Speech, Music, and Place from the Grand Ole Opry to the Grander, Older, Amazon and Orinoco. Anthony Seeger, Emeritus…

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Keynote Lecture 2011: Davi Kopenawa

    Keynote address by Davi Kopenawa. Davi Kopenawa Yanomami, President, Hutukara

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Keynote Lecture 2010: Clark Erickson

    Keynote address by Clark Erickson. Clark Erickson  (Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania).

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Keynote Lecture 2008: Joanna Overing & Claude Lévi-Strauss

    Joint keynote address by Joanna Overing (Department of Social Anthropology, University of St. Andrews) and Claude Lévi-Strauss (Chair of…

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Keynote Lecture 2007: Stephen Hugh-Jones

    DIY Anthropology: Some reflections on self-reflection in northwest Amazonia. Stephen Hugh-Jones, Fellow in Social Anthropology, King’s College, Cambridge University.

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Keynote Lecture 2005: Ellen Basso

    Honorification and Avoidance. Ellen Basso, Professor, School of Anthropology, University of Arizona.

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Keynote Lecture 2004: Eduardo Viveiros de Castro

    Perspectival anthropology and the method of controlled equivocation. Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Professor, Program in Social Anthropology, Museu Nacional,…

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Keynote Lecture 2002: John Hemming

    Karl von den Steinen and Kurt Nimuendajú. John Hemming, Chairman, Amazon Charitable Trust, and former Director, Royal Geographic Society.
