SALSA 2019 Panels/Workshops XII Sesquiannual Conference


Thematic Panels, Workshops and Sessions

2019 SALSA XII Sesquiannual Conference, Vienna, Austria


  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    PANEL 09: Gender Reconfigurations in Indigenous Amazonia

    Gender has long been a topic of interest for anthropologists working in lowland South America, particularly in the Amazonian region. Scholars have critically interrogated the complex processes by which women and men produce, enact…

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  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    PANEL 10: Native Objects, World Histories

    During the colonial period, Europeans in the New World collected indigenous material culture to be exhibited in what were first cabinets of curiosities and later national museums. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries,…

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  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    PANEL 11: Emptied landscapes and stranger items

    For the last two decades, anthropological scholarship has proposed that relationality is a central characteristic of Native Amazonian worlds. Viveiros de Castro suggests that entities named by substantives like fish or snakes are not…

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  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    PANEL 12: Indigenous childhoods and environmental transformations

    This panel discusses indigenous children’s understandings of and engagement with the environment in which they grow up and its human and nonhuman inhabitants. The relationships of indigenous peoples to the environments they inhabit have…

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