Sound Repositories

Sound repositoriesSound Repositories

AmaSonic‘s Sound Repositories gathers links to other websites and platforms in which users can access audio files. In some cases, users will be directed to platforms where they might register and open a private session in order to access the information. The access to all these platforms is free of change. AmaSonic respects all the protocols of these sites and encourage users to do so.

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    ARDILIA Digital Archive of the Indigenous Languages of the Amazon

    ARDILIA is a repository of unpublished audiovisual materials in indigenous languages of the Amazon region. It was initiated in 2022 at the Amazonia Campus of Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL) in Leticia, with the support of the digital infrastructure…

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  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Languages of the People of the Center

    Since 2004 the DoBeS (Dokumentation Bedrohter Sprachen) program supports the project “Documenting the languages of the People of the Center”, a multilingual group living in the North West Amazon, in the border region between Southern Colombia and Northern Peru.

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  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Languages of the Upper Xingú

    We gather here three DoBeS projects working on three genetically unrelated languages, belonging to the cultural system of the Upper Xingú area: Kuikuru (Carib), Trumai (isolate), and Aweti (Tupi).  The aims of the co-operation among these DoBeS Projects are…

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  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    AILLA – Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America

    The Archive of Indigenous Languages of Latin America (AILLA) gathers recordings, texts, narratives, chants, oratory, conversations, songs, and other multimedia materials in and about the indigenous languages of Latin America.

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  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Cubeo Hehenewa and Tukanoans of the Upper Uaupes River

    This site presents twelve episodes of Tataroko, a program broadcasted by YURUPARI ESTEREO 104.3 FM, a grassroots radio station located in Mitú (Uaupés-Colombia). Each episode is conducted in Cubeo and Spanish languages.

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