Amazonimations (2019)


Camilla Morelli, University of Bristol, 2019

Amazonimations is a collection of three animated short films (total length: 7 minutes) that were scripted, narrated and illustrated by different generations of Matses people in Peru – and produced in collaboration with an indigenous artist and a professional animator. The films depict aspects of traditional lifestyle in the rainforest; children’s views of animal life; and the challenges faced by young migrants who moved from the forest to the city.

  • Director/Author: Sophie Marsh – Camilla Morelli – Guillermo Nëcca Pëmen Mënquë.
  • Producer: Sophie Marsh – Camilla Morelli – Guillermo Nëcca Pëmen Mënquë, 2019.
  • People: Matses people in Estirón, Colonia Angamos and Iquitos (Loreto, Peru).
  • Language: Matses, with subtitles in English.
  • Duration: 00:07

This film was screened at the XII SALSA Sesquiannual Conference in Vienna (2019).

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