Sightseeing and Recommended Activities

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Magütá Museum

    The Magütá Museum is a family heritage, created in 2019 by Abel Antonio Santos, Magütá teacher and linguist, who…

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Reserva Natural Acapú

    Acapú is a Natural Reserve that offers a tourist option composed of four dimensions: Education, Research, Social inclusion, and…

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Maloca Negedeka (SALSA Partner)

    The Maloca Negedeka, located 17 km from the center of Leticia, is a family settlement made up of members…

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Borugo 2.0

    Borugo offers tailor-made tourism plans and unique encounters with Amazon storytellers. Owned and admiinistered by Alejandro Carrasquilla, anthropologist.

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Painü Community-based Tourism

    The Asociación Intercomunitaria PAINÜ was established in 2014, with the purpose of strengthening the knowledge system of the Tikuna,…

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Hospedaje Reina Arriera

    The Hospedaje Reina Arriera is located in the Magütá (Tikuna) community of Macedona, located at 110 kilometers from Leticia…

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Kasia Turismo de Bienestar (SALSA Partner)

    Kasia Turismo de Bienestar y Artesanías is a community undertaking led by Kasia Morales Soria, a Murui woman of…

  • SALSA 2023 Memories video

    Maloca TIWA (SALSA Partner)

    TIWA is an Indigenous Community, located at 6 kilometers from the Campus, accessible by public transportation. The community gathers…
